50 der besten Profi-Detailing-Tipps

A half-century of professional detailing tips and expert techniques to push your detail to the next level...
This extensive collection of top tips is designed to elevate your skills to new heights, and beyond. This guide is perfect for all levels of detailer, from beginners to experienced professionals, showing you the best industry tricks to help keep your detailing fresh and innovative.
We've got together our team of expert detailing instructors and customer service specialists to share their all-time favorite detailing hacks. And here we cover everything from polishing and sanding to deep-cleaning and finishing. Along with these, we’ve packed in a collection of small but mighty tricks that can make a significant difference in the quality and efficiency of your work.
We'll cover some of the most popular and versatile detailing products from our range, and see how can be applied to a range of tasks, even expanding their usefulness far beyond their typical application.
So, without further delay, let’s take a look at our 50 quick-fire top detailing tips…

1. Clean You Tyres On Every Detail
Cleaning tyre sidewalls on every maintenance detail is crucial. This will make your tyre dressings - such as Satin Tyre Creme or Glänzendes Reifendressing - look even better and help them to form the strongest bond for the best in long-lasting durability.
Clean your tyres at the same time you wash your wheels using a 1:5 Dilution Of Verso All Purpose Cleaner, along with a stiff brush like our Rubber Scrubber Tyre Brush. A few spritzes and a quick scrub to draw our the dirt is all you need before you rinse the grime away.

2. Decon Your Exhaust Tips
Exhausts tips tend to suffer from stubborn dirt and carbon build up but these can be safely eliminated at the beginning of your car wash using Iron Out Contaminant Remover.
At the same time that you're cleaning your wheels, agitate a little Iron Out into the tips using a Detailing Pinsel. You can also use a Barrel Brush to get right in there. This process can also be carried out at the end of your detail (if you forget at the start) with a 1:10 dilution of Verso All Purpose Cleaner and some wire wool.
After that, to bring back the original lustre, we recommend using a little Mercury Metal Polish.

3. Sanitise Your Air Vents
Don't forget the inside of the air vents when you perform any interior valet. Dust moisture and bacteria can build up over time causing odours to circulate through the cabin when you use the heater or A/C.
A quick spritz or two of Total Interior Cleaner inside the vents helps break down grime and eliminate any nasty stale odours.
Top Tip: Follow up with a spritz of one of our Aroma Air Freshener Pump Sprays for plenty of serious interior freshness.

4. Windows - Roll Them Down
A top tip that's often forgotten is to roll your windows down a little so you can get the tops. More dirt can build up here than you might think, especially on the ones that don't get used all that often, and where you need to clean inside aftermarket wind deflectors.
Break out the Crystal Glass Cleaner and clean the tops, along with inside the rubbers, before rolling them back up for the final clean.

5. Get In All Those Gaps!
When it comes to interior deep cleaning your vacuum cleaner crevice tool is your best friend. Look after yours and be sure to keep it in good condition to prevent scratching any parts of your interior.
The only way to get into the awkward areas where the cleaner pipe cant reach, a quick vacuum is essential to rid your interior of loose dust and grime. And be sure to pull those bolsters apart to get in there, too!
All this allows your Total Interior Cleaner to get to work where it's most needed, on the bonded grime and sticky spills.

6. Mop Up Every Drip
You'll already know that it's important to use a Handtuch to dry your car after every wash. Simply to eradicate the risk of impurities in the tap water from being left on the surface as water spots.
But what about those drips that always seem to come out later, especially when you move the car?
Well, the best way of getting drips out from panel gaps, mirrors and lug nuts will always be using a professional air blower to force them out at the end of your detail. That said, if you haven't got a blower you can instead also shake the car, or rock it backwards and forwards, to get the drips out ready to be mopped up with a suitable microfibre cloth or drying towel. Don't forget to dry your door jambs and bonnet/boot shuts, too.
This way water won't drip out later and interfere the rest of your detail or leave water spots on your fresh paintwork.

7. Avoid The Floor
The floor is dirty, gritty and you'll want to avoid it when applying your tyre dressings. It's a mistake that many make.
So, when using Glänzendes Reifendressing or Satin Tyre Creme always make use of a professional applicator such as our Tyre & Trim Applicator or Tyre Spot Pad. And apply your dressing to all four tyres stopping short of the bottom portions. (Apply your dressing from 8 o'clock to 4 o'clock).
You can then roll the car forward slightly and complete the rest.

8. Pull Out Your Belts
Because of the constant human contact seatbelts can hold onto more grime and odours than any other part of your interior. And what's more they're often forgotten when it comes to the cleaning.
Pulling out your belts - you can also buckle them up to makes things easier - makes for easy cleaning. A spritz of Total Interior Cleaner and wipe with a fresh Microfibre Work Cloth is all you need to keep them fresh every time you clean your interior.

9. Read The Instructions
It might be obvious, but we're all guilty of this one.
The instructions are there for a reason, so make sure you follow them... if of course you want to get the best professional results. And that goes double if you're trying a brand new product that you haven't used before. All of our products, including specialist items such as our polishing compounds and ceramic coatings, come with comprehensive instructions to help you push your detailing to the next level.
Read them all the way through before you start and you can't go wrong!

10. Less Can Be More
Most people cake on too much car wax, that's not only a fact, it's a waste of wax, too.
Our Signature Hard Waxes offer the ultimate gloss and protection, but it's worth remembering that a little wax goes a long way.
Just a quarter turn in the tin - using a pro applicator like our Waxmate XL - will be enough to coat a large panel. It's only a thin layer that bonds to paintwork and any excess will be removed when you final buff.
Apply thinly and evenly for the best results. You only get extra gloss and protection by adding another coat later. So always wait for 3-4 hours for the first layer to fully bond, and then add a your second coat.

11. Get The Right Cloth
Knowing the best cloths to use at any given time is one of the skills of detailing.
There are many general-use Microfibre Work Cloths in our range, along with Premium Towels geared towards specific tasks. It could be our Superior Waffle for the safest glass cleaning or our super-soft Primo Plush for final finishing on the most sensitive paintwork, or many, many more. Suffice to say we have a huge selection to fit every detailing need.
You can also use specific colour cloths for specific tasks to avoid cross contamination. This could be using white Work Cloths for interior cleaning or buffing ceramic coating residues and teal Work Cloths for exterior cleaning or decontamination tasks. Find the right cloth and the best method that works for you.

12. Dry Your Wheels
Like any other part of your exterior your wheels need to be dried after any wash to avoid water spots. You can use your drying towel for this, but in most cases it's safer to use our Ultra Plush Microfibre Towel.
Drying towels have to be large because they have to be able to soak up a lot of water. You have to be extremely careful not to drag them on the ground when drying wheels and sils because once they pick up grit off the floor, they're essentially ruined. It's almost impossible to make them safe for use on paintwork again.
So, it makes sense to swap to a smaller cloth for lower areas. Our 800GSM Ultra Plush is ideal because it's super soft and offers nearly the same level of absorbency as a drying towel.

13. Deep Clean Your Steering Wheel
Your steering wheels sees more contact with your hands than any other part of your interior. You can pretty much guarantee that your rim will be filthy, and that's just through normal driving. Leather, Alcantara and suede wheels tend to hold onto body oils and other sticky grime so it's important to deep clean them periodically using Total Interior Cleaner, or a suitable dilution of Verso All Purpose Cleaner.
Lay a microfibre cloth behind the rim to protect from overspray. Spritz on your cleaner directly and agitate into the wheel with a soft Detailing Pinsel. Finally give the whole rim a good, firm wipe down with a microfibre Work Cloth. You'll be surprised just how much dirt can be drawn out.

14. Control That Nozzle
Many make the mistake of letting their vacuum cleaner hose rub against sensitive paintwork when cleaning interiors - especially in the boot.
If you've spent many hours polishing, you'll can see that it's not a good idea, so it's important to control your hose. Tuck it away over your shoulder, or hold it between your legs… and be aware what your clothing is rubbing on, too.

15. Don't Forget The Inner Exterior
Areas such as door jambs and the top of bumpers that are normally inaccessible and boot shuts are often forgotten but can make a huge difference to the finished detail.
Make them a part of your maintenance routine. A little Citrus Power Bug & Grime Remover , during the pre-wash stages will never go amiss for the cleaning part. And don't forget that these areas can usually be enhanced, too. Tripple All-in-One Polish will clean, polish and leave a layer of glossy wax protection with a minimum of effort.

16. Don't Miss Parts Of Your Wheels
It's easy to miss bits when wheels, something we've all done from time to time.
The best way to make sure you agitate your wheel cleaners into every part of your wheel is to ensure you start and finish at the same point.
It may sound obvious but it's a great professional hack - either start and stop at the 12 o'clock position or the valve cap.

17. Choose The Right Car Shampoo
To get the best results from your 2-bucket contact wash always think about the shampoo you're using.
In most cases you won't want to risk stripping away any previously applied protection layers. Using pH neutral products like our wax, coating and sealant-safe Lather Car Shampoo will ensure that your protection barriers won't be taken away. Lather also contains no waxes or shining agents, so it won't interfere with other processes like polishing or adding protection later.
Some specialists shampoos - like our Caramics Enhancing Shampoo - are designed to have extra attributes to their powerful cleaning qualities, chiefly strengthening and prolonging the life of previously-applied ceramic coatings.
These kind of products can lift the results of your maintenance detail without changing the physical way you wash your car.

18. Label Your Detailing Buckets
How's this for a simple but effective pro tip?
Labeling the Detailing Bucket you use for your wheels and your two contact wash buckets, can seriously cut down on the risk of inflicting defects when you detail.
Mixing up your buckets in-between details can often ruin your next swirl-free wash by allowing cross contamination from harsh particles such as grit or brake dust. In other words, it's just worth the risk.
Label your buckets with a permanent marker or get yourself some of our exclusive Bucket Stickers. Your paintwork will thank us for it!

19. Don't Forget Your Wipers
Juddery, noisy windscreen wipers are usually dirty wipers, it's that simple.
To ensure that your wipers aren't dragging grit and scratching your windscreen, give the blade a thorough clean during your routine maintenance. Solvent,-based cleaners, like our Crystal Glass Cleaner are particularly effective here. This fast-flashing formula breaks down and lifts any grime, drawing contamination out of the rubber itself, allowing it to be wiped away.
Just spray your Crystal directly onto the wiper blade, give it a good rub with a clean microfibre cloth and you'll be good to go.

20. Dip It!
Dipping your Schaumlanze bottle in a bucket of clean water, rather than topping it up from the tap or hose, is a great way of making sure your Avalanche Snow Foam doesn't foam up prematurely.
This simple trick stops the water flow from creating suds while still diluting the Avalanche concentrate effectively. It will also stop it ending up all over your trousers!

21. Warm Water Works
Warm water cleans better, that's just science. It's also nicer to use in winter, right?
While we'll avoid filling our Detailing Buckets with hot water during the warmer weather - chiefly because it will speed up the drying - it can be great in winter for heavy duty cleaning. Just remember that you should never let your car exterior dry naturally, always keep it wet until you come to the drying stage.

22. Don't Foam From The Bottom
Despite what you may hear, it's best to apply your snow foam from the top of the car downwards.
There is some science in the fact that applying from the bottom up helps the foam refresh itself as it drips down. But, if you apply from the bottom, the water flow can push heavy grime upwards to cleaner areas. Grime is usually far harsher at the bottom, after all. This defeats the object of a safe wash, and just isn't worth the risk.
Snow foam is chiefly designed to linger on surfaces for as long as possible while it safely breaks away bonded contamination. The longer it lingers the better it works. Products like Avalanche Snow Foam are also designed to work into all the panel gaps and recesses, cleaning those out, too. Just make sure you apply it from the top down to maximise the safety.

23. Agitate When You Decon
To get more bite and the best results when using Iron Out Contaminant Remover you can lightly agitate the solution with a damp Microfibre Work Cloth, Polish Pad or Microfibre Applicator.
The purpose of a little light agitation isn't to try and physically scrub away contamination, it's a process that ensures your Iron Out is spread and makes full contact with the whole area. It also makes the most of your Iron Out by refreshing the solution when needed. Essentially you're pushing away any 'spent' solution - solution that has reacted and is encapsulating the maximum amount of metal particles - and replacing it with fresh solution to work on any remaining contamination.
It's not just with Iron Out, either. With most cleaning processes (aside from contact-less processes such as your pre-wash) agitating with a cloth, applicator or brush is the best way to get the most from your detailing products.

24. Take On The Dirty Jobs First
Order is everything in detailing, and to prevent cross contamination, or being forced to clean parts of your car twice, every detail should start with the dirtiest areas first.
The parts that are exposed to the most harmful types of contamination, such and your engine bay, wheels or chassis parts are cleaned first to limit the chance of inflicting damage on potentially sensitive surfaces such as paintwork. Or the spread of heavy duty cleaners where you don't really need them.
In most cases we'll start our maintenance with our wheels, which are constantly exposed to harmful, corrosive contamination such as brake dust and road salt. But if you're planning on wet cleaning engine bays or chassis components you'll want to start with those.

25. Remove What You Can
Dirt traps are called dirt traps for a reason, in some cases they're simply impossible to get to without removing components first.
Now, while our in-house pro detailers take this to new heights on most of our big details - chiefly by removing bumpers, full interiors and all sorts of parts. There are many smaller components that are easy to remove and clean separately. The bonus is that you get access to the areas behind the parts, too.
Wheels, grilles and rear light clusters are all straightforward to remove and you'll be surprised just how much grime you'll find behind them.
A suitable dilution of Verso All Purpose Cleaner and a scratch-free Detailing Pinsel can work wonders in these areas!

26. Go The Extra Mile
Who doesn't love a bit of carpet art? There's no denying it can make a great finishing touch to your interior detail. It's pretty easy, too.
The best way to stripe carpets and floor mats (after cleaning) is with an Upholstery Brush. Simply brush all the pile one way, give the whole area a light spritz of Total Interior Cleaner to moisten the surface a little and then before brush the pile in opposing directions before it drys.
Some pro detailers even use a stencil of a signature pattern or their company logo to go the extra mile. We like that!

27. Hatch An Application Plan
The cross hatch method is ideal for ensuring maximum coverage when applying ceramic coatings such as our Caramics Paintwork Protection Kit and Caramics Glass Protection Kit. But our our top pro tip isn't just to use this method for application, but to make sure that the final pass is in the direction that you want water to run off that specific area.
On a bonnet make your final pass would from the front to the back of the bonnet, and on doors and glass, vertically from top to bottom.
Doing it this way will aid in promoting the best water behaviour, and allow dirty water to run off the surface more easily.

28. Don't Let Anything Detract
Wen you've finished your detail ask yourself - are you really finished? It's good to inspect all other areas and ensure they don't detract, or draw the eye, from other important areas such as your paintwork.
One of the most commonly forgotten areas are window rubbers and weather strips, and these tend to suffer from ingrained dirt, fading and often polish staining.
A little 1:1 Verso All Purpose Cleaner on a microfibre Work Cloth is all you need here. Simply apply to your cloth and 'polish' the surface. It is like polishing, too. The Verso will remove a tiny portion of the top layer, along with the grime, to reveal a fresh portion.
You can then finish the job with a little Revive Trim Dressing to darken the colour and add UV protection.

29. Tar & Glue Remover On Plastics?
Yes we specifically say don't use ObliTARate Tar & Glue Remover on bare plastic surfaces but there is an exception. This super-strong solvent can be particularly effective for deep cleaning your inner arch liners.
When periodically deep cleaning arches with the wheels off, this product will rid the area of the types of particularly stubborn harmful contamination that are common here. Simply spray on the product, watch as it it lifts the sticky oil-based contamination away from the surface and wipe the harmful contaminants away.
Remember that bare plastics aren't truly clean unless they bead off water - after using ObliTARate you'll see the difference straight way.

30. Spray And Walk Away
If you're looking for a quick and easy finishing solution, look no further than Dressle All Purpose Trim Dressing.
With this advanced, dry-touch formula you can finish areas such as your engine bay and inner arches simply by spraying on the product directly and then leaving it to cure.
Suitable for all plastic and rubber trim, this water-based dressing soaks into the areas that need restoring and then cures over a few hours to bring your plastics back to life and protect from the fading caused by UV radiation.
That's right, simply spray and walk away!

31. Wax And Protect Your Shuts
Glisten Spray Wax is ideal for adding speedy protection and gloss to commonly forgotten areas such as door shuts, inner doors and tailgates. A light spritz and buff is all you need to treat these areas. You'll even make them easier to clean on your next maintenance wash.
Glisten is great for your exterior paintwork, too. The fastest way to add up to 4-weeks protection with just a light spritz and a wipe.The advanced wax emulsion in the solution will instantly bond and protect all surfaces from the elements.
This versatile spray wax can also be used to treat awkward, inaccessible areas like panel gaps. Just spray it in and it will spread itself and treat those to a little added protection, too.

32. Adjust Your Wheel
Some of the best tips are the simplest. When cleaning your interior don't forget to adjust your steering wheel up and down so you can really get in all the crevices with your Total Interior Cleaner and Detailing Pinsel. They're not called commonly forgotten dirt-traps here for nothing!

33. Take The Safest Route
In important safety precaution, taking the right route around the car during your contact wash will always, limit the spread of soiling to cleaner areas and help you get the ultimate swirl-free car wash.
When we use our Lather Car Shampoo and Detailing Bucket combo, we always start on the cleaner areas, and finish with the dirtiest. To put it simply we're washing from the top down but targeting each area as we go.
We begin on the roof, the glass, the bonnet and the upper sides, and then move on to the front bumper, lower sides and finish with the rear. We also wash in straight lines (rather than circular motions) to further cut the risk of inflicting swirls.

34. Dedicate A Mitt For Dirty Areas
Speaking of the safest, swirl-free contact wash. It's also worth dedicating a wash mitt just for the dirtier areas. This will keep the mitt you use on cleaner paintwork in the best possible, scratch-free condition.
Many detailers will swap mitts half way through their contact wash for exactly this reason. They'll also keep a specific mitt for wheels - we recommend our Ultra Plush Wheel Mitt here which is specifically designed for the job.

35. One Tool Is Always In Your Pocket
Your mobile phone is actually one of the best tools for detailing. And we're not just talking about always having the instant ability to refer to one of our Top Detailing Guides, either.
Whether it's an impromptu light source to highlight swirl marks or taking a few pictures in low light to see if you've missed anything, there's plenty of ways you can use your mobile to aid your detailing journey. It will never be a replacement for items such as our Swirl Spotter Detailing Light of course, but it may help get you out of trouble.

36. Rejuvenate Gloss Plastics
Using Rejuvenate Paintwork Cleanser is designed to cleanse paintwork before applying a hard wax, simply to improve the performance and longevity of your protection layers. A special blend of light abrasives and deep-cleansing solvents this product will always help you make the most of your wax on the most pampered paintwork.
But, Rejuvenate has other applications, too. It's ideal for removing stains and defects on awkward gloss plastic trim and painted 'black pack' areas on modern cars. These commonly suffer from swirling and water marks, along with stains caused by many harsh TFRs used at hand car washes. A little Rejuvenate on a microfibre cloth is all you need to bring those back to life.

37. Control Your Cord
If you're machine polishing horizontal panels like roofs and bonnets the best way to stop the cable from touching your paintwork is to pop it over your shoulder and out of the way.
Simple but effective!

38. Wash In Your Ceramic Protection
Lavish Ceramic Foam is one of our most popular products and ideal for installing, or topping up, your ceramic protection quickly during the wash stages. Lavish is applied with your Schaumlanze you can use Lavish, while the car is still wet after your contact wash. This advanced formula bonds instantly to create an ultra-hydrophobic SiO2 layer that's impermeable to water and grime, and lasts for up to 6-months.
Aside from the 'spray-on and rinse' method you can also wash in your Lavish in for even crazier results.
Simply take a clean wash mitt, wet it in plain water and contact wash the foam into all surfaces. This strengthens the bonds and increases the water beading and other hydrophobic properties. It's also perfectly safe to follow this method because your car will already be clean.

39. Protect From The Sun
UV radiation extremely harmful to interior surfaces, often causing them to fade over time, and even crack. But a little Spritz Interior Quick Detailer can save you the pain in the long term by protecting the areas (such as dashboards and the top of door cars) that are always exposed to the sun.
This advanced cleaner is packed with next-generation UV inhibitors to protect from the onslaught of the sun. It really is like sunscreen for your interior plastics.
Spritz also contains anti-static agents to prevent future dust and dirt build-up making it ideal for cleaning other sensitive components such as LCD displays and stereo screens.
Just spritz directly onto the surface - or onto your microfibre cloth for more targeted application - and buff to a subtle factory-style sheen. That's all you need for durable protection in seconds.

40. Test Your Wheel Lips
Running aftermarket wheel with polished metal lips? Get the right product to bring them back to life.
Contra to popular belief most wheels don't feature bare metal lips, the vast majority will be clear-coated from the factory to protect the finish. This affects the product you should use for deep cleaning and enhancement. So, that's why we always test lips we think are bare metal with a little Mercury Metal Polish on a Microfibre Applicator. Just in case.
Simply apply to a small area and see if the microfibre goes black. If it doesn't it's not bare metal and you should be using Tripple All-in-One Polish to clean, enhance and protect instead. If it does go back, carry on with the Mercury to reveal that original lustre.

41. Don't Forget Those Pedals
It's always surprising to us how many people do, considering that your pedals will likely be the grubbiest part of any interior.
This is why we always give our pedals the once over during every interior detail. A quick pro trick that finishes off the job nicely. Best of all, you just need a little Total Interior Cleaner or Verso All Purpose Cleaner (around a 1:10 dilution) and your trusty Detailing Pinsel.
We like to pop a microfibre cloth under the pedals to protect the carpet and apply plenty of our cleaner, before agitating the solution and wiping away the grime. Simple.

42. Spin That Pad!
After many, many years of experience in the world of machine polishing we can safely say that the easy way to centre your polishing pad is to simply put it on the backing plate and then give your polishing machine a spin by hand.
Look down from the top and, if there's any excess wobble, take it off and try again. It's a fact that a properly centred pad gives you the best control, and the best results.
And don't forget that, if you're using a brand new pad, a quick spritz of Pad Prime before you polish will help cut the risk of any scrubbing.

43. ObliTARate The Sticky Stuff
Sticky residues on paintwork from stickers, wraps and (particularly) number plate sticky pads are some of the things we asked about on a day to day basis. The answer though, is simple. For safe, easy removal use ObliTARate Gel Tar & Glue Remover.
This product is designed to linger on surfaces for as long as possible while it breaks down the stickiest contamination. So just apply liberally using a Microfibre Applicator, wait for 10 minutes or so, and then wipe away the residue with a clean microfibre cloth.
The other way is to use a cotton wool pad soaked in ObliTARate Tar & Glue Remover, and leave that to soak for 10 minutes.

44. Brush It Out!
The brush attachment for your vacuum cleaner is one of the best tools for getting debris out of carpets and mats. It's a wonderful thing for lifting trapped particles out of the pile.
But don't worry if you've lost brush attachment, instead use an Upholstery Brush or even a Rubber Scrubber. This will help to bring the grime to the top where they can be vacuumed away more easily.

45. Heat It Up
You've probably seen that many pros use a steam cleaner to fully sanitise plastics, carpets, cloth and leather. But (being careful), on some surfaces you can use a heat gun, too.
A little (and we do mean a little) heat can often open up the pores in plastics and leather allowing your Total Interior Cleaner or Hide Leather Cleanser to get in deeper than ever before. On leather in particular, a little heat can also swell the hide and help it to spring back to the original shape, ideal if it's become marked, dented or deformed.

46. Protect Your PPF
Paint protection film is extremely common nowadays and there's a few things to consider when detailing a car with PPF applied. And not just keeping control of your pressure washer near the edges, either.
PPF is designed to shield the paintwork underneath, but that doesn't mean that it isn't even more susceptible to swirl marks and ingrained contamination - it's just cheaper to replace than the paintwork. But, that's not a problem because you can protect your PPF too, using our advanced Graphen Flüssigwachs.
This super-sealant contains Graphene, a form of carbon that's harder than steel on a molecular level which instantly bonds to create a hard layer of glossy, ultra-hydrophobic protection. This product essentially stops grime from sticking to keep your car cleaner for longer.
If your PPF is a little old and tired in the first place, you can also use Tripple All-in-One Polish for a gentle hand polish to bring it back to life.

47. Trackday Rubber Marks? Not A Problem!
Those caked on trackday rubber marks may not come off when you wash, but they will with a little ObliTARate Tar & Glue Remover. In fact, this product melts through these oily stains better than any other. This allows you to wipe them away safely without damaging paintwork or vinyl wraps along the way.
On PPF however, a slightly milder solvent should be used to avoid softening the extremely thin film. In these cases we'll use Crystal Glass Cleaner in exactly the same way. Just spray and wipe.

48. Keep Those Headlights Beaming
Protecting your headlights, especially after any restoration or polishing has taken place, is crucial.
That said, these are commonly missed during details when protection is applied elsewhere. Which is pretty ironic when you consider how important they are.
The best solution for protecting your headlights for up to 12-months is the ultra-durable ceramic coatings you'll find in our Caramics Protection Kits.
For plastic headlights use our Caramics Paintwork Protection Kit and for glass headlights our Caramics Glass Protection Kit. Both are applied in the same way utilising our easy-to-use impregnated wipes to transfer our advanced SiO2-based coatings.
Easy, effective, long-lasting and they'll keep your headlights cleaner for longer.

49. Check, And Then Check Again
Being self-critical is the all-time best way to get professional results. Always take the time to inspect your work after every cleaning stage, and double check at the end of your detail. Just in case you have to go back and correct the situation.
Just a few of the most commonly missed areas are under the arches, in the door shuts, the inner doors and under the sils. But these can be quickly and easily rectified with a suitable dilution of products like Verso All Purpose Cleaner and Dynamite Traffic Film Remover.
One top pro tip is to always always check the inside of your wing mirrors because that's the bit you (or your client) can see through the side windows when driving. You'll be surprised at how often people miss these bits during their wash.
Take your time, inspect, check and double check, only then you can make sure you always get the best results.

50. Always Finish With Finale
Chances are that you're going to get a few streaks, fingerprints and other imperfections on the exterior of your car while you're completing the rest of your detail. This is why we always finish with Finale.
Our best-selling, pro-grade Finale Quick Detailer is the ultimate way to gently clean away and lubricate light dust and residues. This ultra-forgiving solution cuts through greasy finger prints with ease and can be used on any exterior surface from paintwork and vinyl to wheels, plastic, rubber and glass. In other words, it's a great detailing perfecter for finishing the job right, every time.
This one can also be used over waxes, paint sealants, and even ceramic coatings. Infused with T1 Grade Carnauba it will not only add a whole load of gloss, but a little protection along the way, too. And all you need is a light spritz, a wipe and a buff with a soft microfibre cloth. How easy is that, eh?
See More
And that's it - our all-time favourite top 50 pro detailing tips! Why not adapt a few to your next detail? And of course, hit us up on the socials if you have any of your own that you'd like to share.
In the meantime though, you can check out more top detailing advice by clicking onto the Guides Section Of Our Blog.